Moonvideo: Video, New Media, Podcasting, Now in the San Francisco Bay Area. Video Examples

We also build iPhone, iPad mobile Apps, Apps on the Android Market., Now on Amazon.

Our sister company MadlyMedia.


James A. Donnelly Bio - JADonnelly


Don­nelly, win­ner of 2 Sil­ver Telly Awards, 2 Emmy Awards (Mid-Atlantic), 11 Addy (Adver­tis­ing Awards), and 1 Iris Award brings his cre­ative exper­tise from 20 years of tele­vi­sion, video com­pres­sion, and a pio­neer of pod­cast­ing. Don­nelly has a back­ground in tele­vi­sion, videog­ra­phy, radio, pod­cast­ing and app development.


An early adopter of social media, Don­nelly has sev­eral years expe­ri­ence in app devel­op­ment, tak­ing his apps to the top ten charts on iTunes in mul­ti­ple coun­tries. Along sim­i­lar lines, he had one of the first pet adop­tion sites in 1995 a story reported by NBC and PBS.

He worked for New York Times Video Pro­duc­tions, pro­mo­tion man­ager for a NBC affil­i­ate, a video com­pres­sion­ist on works includ­ing: Shrek, Juras­sic Park 3, Amer­i­can Pie One and Two, as well as Spy Games. “Illu­mi­nat­ing Angels and Demons” DVD, and “Look­ing To The River” (PBS Doc­u­men­tary) show­cases his videog­ra­phy expe­ri­ence and talent.


Addi­tion­ally, he was a tech­ni­cal direc­tor for live tele­vi­sion shows, a seg­ment pro­ducer for PM Mag­a­zine (a syn­di­cated TV show) and pro­duced pro­mos with Jay Leno for NBC Affil­i­ates. Don­nelly recently co–pro­duced the first instruc­tional DVD video for 3 time grammy win­ning pro­ducer Narada Michael Walden & Drum Chan­nel, DW Drums. Other Pro­duc­tion works con­sist of:  New York Times Video Group, videos for Boston Globe, Golf World, and Sail­ing World, MTV.




Moonvideo obtained its official name and title in 1997, however, the company has been serving the public since 1995, when it started to help animals in the shelters find homes.

Pets Onboard was one of the first online pet adoption websites of its kind. The story was featured on NBC, and since then, the website has continued to give sheltered pets a second chance at a new life. Madlymedia’s success can be attributed to the fact that podcasting is an extremely successful means of reaching the public.

James A. Donnelly is such an authority in the field of podcasting that he has been quoted and

mentioned in Tricks of the Podcasting Masters by Rob Walch and Mur Lafferty. Also, 6 months

prior to releasing channels to the public, Google/YouTube contacted Donnelly and offered

Partner Channels for his project PawShow. He has been on multiple panels at Podcast Expo and conferences.

Donnelly, being a pioneering podcaster, now has 80 countries listening to his flagship podcast Millions of downloads reaching people all over world through online digital

distribution and airing on Sirius Channel 102.


Some additional significant aspects of James Donnelly’s career have included creating which is mentioned in a story for - Podcasting Site - App SIte